Waxing While The Moon Wanes...
The time capsule begins to break open, having protected through the dark annual passage what is to be birthed anew on this side. In my case this is represented by...
Waxing While The Moon Wanes...
The time capsule begins to break open, having protected through the dark annual passage what is to be birthed anew on this side. In my case this is represented by...
Awake Before Dawn...
Sodden silk studded with fading sequins of city lights. Buoy’s blink holding steadier beat of thoseveiled inside a squall… already passed. Droplet lenses on window glass momentarily multiply such signals...
Awake Before Dawn...
Sodden silk studded with fading sequins of city lights. Buoy’s blink holding steadier beat of thoseveiled inside a squall… already passed. Droplet lenses on window glass momentarily multiply such signals...
Second Monday of the New Year...
Back to the proclivity of writing on Monday, it would seem. However this mostly is to be a shorter post to front & to ameliorate my recent excess in verbosity....
Second Monday of the New Year...
Back to the proclivity of writing on Monday, it would seem. However this mostly is to be a shorter post to front & to ameliorate my recent excess in verbosity....
A Late Long Slow Recap of 2005...
Begun January 2, 2006 This Great Sloshing Of Gravity… I have worked to write something of a recap of my year before this mellow holiday mood gets dissipated into the...
A Late Long Slow Recap of 2005...
Begun January 2, 2006 This Great Sloshing Of Gravity… I have worked to write something of a recap of my year before this mellow holiday mood gets dissipated into the...
Prepping A New Year...
This morning has been full of delicious frustration begun waking from dreams also described by that phrase, to see curious flotsam on the water while he brought me coffee… a...
Prepping A New Year...
This morning has been full of delicious frustration begun waking from dreams also described by that phrase, to see curious flotsam on the water while he brought me coffee… a...