

One year ago I began my adventure with this blog… with Second Thoughts. By now I have passed through third thoughts & dozens more versions of such thinking, with the...


One year ago I began my adventure with this blog… with Second Thoughts. By now I have passed through third thoughts & dozens more versions of such thinking, with the...

Autumnal Viewpoints Through Colorful Boxes...

I’ve gloried in our recent “Indian Summer”… even these too-short sunny days held unexpected joy! This view out a window over the studio’s sink caught my camera’s eye for the...

Autumnal Viewpoints Through Colorful Boxes...

I’ve gloried in our recent “Indian Summer”… even these too-short sunny days held unexpected joy! This view out a window over the studio’s sink caught my camera’s eye for the...

Late Season Early Morning...  FIRE!

Late Season Early Morning... FIRE!

Last wednesday we were awakened at 4:30 am by a call from our friend & neighbor, Taylor, informing us that the cabin below him on the beach, some 600′ north...

Late Season Early Morning... FIRE!

Last wednesday we were awakened at 4:30 am by a call from our friend & neighbor, Taylor, informing us that the cabin below him on the beach, some 600′ north...


The Leonine lazies have been rather busier than I would have not planned… Although, now that my July birthdays are passed, I am left to enjoy a bit the afterglow...


The Leonine lazies have been rather busier than I would have not planned… Although, now that my July birthdays are passed, I am left to enjoy a bit the afterglow...

Looking: After The Bell Convention...

“How do you rest your eyes when you’ve looked so intensely?” My friend Jane Tolino was asking me the question while we walked twice around the Sheraton North Baltimore with...

Looking: After The Bell Convention...

“How do you rest your eyes when you’ve looked so intensely?” My friend Jane Tolino was asking me the question while we walked twice around the Sheraton North Baltimore with...

Beltane Garden Tour...

The garden here on our cliff has seemed exuberant this spring! However, it may also simply be that I have been more interested in looking at them through my new...

Beltane Garden Tour...

The garden here on our cliff has seemed exuberant this spring! However, it may also simply be that I have been more interested in looking at them through my new...