Datura Sunsets...

I report to make account of myself, with welcome brevity, I hope! Offering several photos to help describe something of my recent days. The period previous to Stephen’s departure yesterday was a richness of visitor’s & house guests, one of whom noted our schedule of tucking-in the next guests almost before the sheets were dry…

This datura lives in a pot up on our This Is It! deck has made another bloom, they are quite rare this year…

This very sexy blossom is a variety different from the one I loved in the wilds of Arizona so many years ago. I now know it as an exotic family growing in larger forms, from San Francisco to Hawai’i … & now here as well.

Such voluptuous form has had my camera’s attentions earlier…

There is resonance between it & this evening’s sky… after the views several days ago & yesterday morning, with various races & ragattas of boats…

These not from our home view…

Tonight’s version of a rainbow got quite impossibly involved with the setting sun’s color…

I do love living in this expanse of water scape, even as I tend to the closer landforms:

The spiders have been spinning constantly delightful encounters impediments to one’s passage ‘most everywhere… inevitably thus requiring that one understands a certain Shiva-like sense of destruction. Webs are teaching me about that…

There are then the joys like this much more elusive jewel:

Or this puzzle of deformation on an equisetum our gardener Hawke brought to wonder:

On a walk several days ago the green contrasted with the beginnings of atumnal colors… I found this bit of perfectly square decay fascinating at the end of the trail near the beach.

The walk I’ve been working on for the last month is also on a square grid…

I trust I will continue to find balance between such grid logic & the many more natural patterns in my life’s various gardens…

I close with this opening into another hollow of wood on that same beach.

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