The quiet light over the Sound at midday Christmas Eve feels right for the container Stephen & I are creating for the rare event of spending the holidays at home. There is little need in us for “all the trimmin’s” as might be considered “usual”. We will not have a tree…
We are happy to be spending time in that even rarer mode of being without the constraints long-standing plans & expectations. We mostly are following communicating about & following our momentary moods, rather more as we like to do when we travel, taking advantage of blissful ignorance inside the world of options which exists when one hasn’t booked every moment of one’s time months in advance.
I have for so long & often preached a life of that sort of spontaneity, but I live with a prime example of the other camp. This is perhaps the sweetest gift he could give me for this holiday!
We will soon go shop for last minute provisions toward our intimate evening’s meal of the oysters I suggested impulsively when he asked yesterday what I wished to eat. We also need some ingredients for the sorbet version of a Cumberland Sauce we are inventing to take for dinner tomorrow at our friends Merna & Rob.
We had a delightful day in the city yesterday, beginning with managing to get from the late-running ferry through all the traffic in the rain to arrive at the Harvard Exit Theater just barely in time for a matinee showing of “Brokeback Mountain”. The film left us stimulated & sad for its bittersweet story. We would easily recommend it for both inner & outer beauty plus a deep sensitivity. It will be quite interesting to watch how it is received in the audience of the larger world.
Then we went to the Pike Place Market for a dose of the festive shopping spirit before going to the foundry for a glass of wine with James. By then we were ready for the dinner we found at Shea’s lounge in the Market. Scallops for him, Ahi for me, sharing our plates as we like to do, even when the preparations range so divergently as they did from my near-sushi to his rich brown sauce. A good red wine & an amusing server brought us to full joy with our communion, remembering other dates in the Market. His Grappa took us to Tuscan memories & my cognac was for an old acquaintance. We came home for a sweet finale to our day with each other.
All this to get to my wishes & hopes that each & all might be enjoying this second deep evening of birthing…